One day you'll wake up, and you won't have time to do the things you've always wanted to do.
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
And to all those who think:
I tell them: Wrong, you won't be able to do that in your old age. Speaking from my own experience.
If I have one regret, it's that I started traveling too late in life and listened too much to people who had no life experience!
All trips cancelled until further notice !
I won't be able to travel for the next years due to my mother's and brother's health problems...
Travelling will have to wait, I only have my mother and brother left...
My moms & brother's health is getting worse and worse!
Dementia has now struck my mother, who is 89 years old.
It's not only difficult for me to take care of them properly. It's also very, very stressful, and it's starting to eat away at me. I haven't slept through the night for many months, either my brother wakes me up or my mother. I don't know how much longer this will be good for my own health...
And going out, even for a few hours, is out of question!
Luckily I have hobbies, like ham radio & microscopy, to keep me busy while I look after them.
I can tell you:
An expedition, no matter how difficult it may be, is easier to complete than taking care of your seriously ill loved one...
I miss traveling a lot,
and I get really frustrated from time to time...
What really gets me is the social pressure and lack of understanding from people here. It seems to me that they have no idea how tense and stressful my situation is.
Everything is so different from what I am used to from Alaska or Canada.
Instead of getting help or at least understanding, people put obstacles in my way whenever they can and contempt is never far away...
The worst thing is that I meet more goddamn stupid, narrow-minded people in one week in Germany than I have in all of Alaska and the Yukon in the last 30 years, and I'm so damn tired of it...
It would be really nice to be around real people again.
The sooner I can say goodbye to Germany and get going again, the better...
I've been having trouble with my service provider, the German-Telecom, for months now.
With every new update, pages or images on my website disappear, the formatting changes. It takes forever to put pictures or texts on the website and so on. It takes hours to make even small updates.
This has been going on for some time now. The Telecom is not interested, or not willing to find the error. When I call them, I only get bad-tempered employees.
This is all so typically German, it's an absolute service desert here and the customer is always the one to blame and bear the burden!
I have booked a Professional Website with them (since 2004) which costs a lot of money every year and still I get nothing but bad service and endless hassle!
I've really had enough, and I'm thinking about deleting my website completely!
If I switched to another provider/host, I would have to set up a completely new website again, which is not easy with 156 pages and thousands of images.
To be honest, I don't feel like doing that anymore, what's the point...
If I don't find a reasonable solution,
I will shut down my website at the end of the year ! Maybe I will create a new website only about my new trip and not about my old expeditions !
My Armadillo will get a
Schlumpf / Haberstock
at the moment, I don't have any time to do any work on my Armadillo bike. The care situation with my mother & brother leaves me hardly any free time for myself...
“Burn fat, not fuel”!
Hello to my new
the Velove Armadillo Cargobike!
I was very lucky to get one. Thanks so much to Dennis Kanter/Velove Sweden, for all his help, I appreciate it very much!
It is only our family doctor who is a real blessing, he does everything in his power to help my mother & brother to make their life a little better!
NWT Expedition
Film Project
ARTE / WDR 2008
Directed by:
Ralf Breier
Chris Breier & Klaus Sturm
Chris Breier
The more I learned about people, the more I like my dog.
I have studied the traits and dispositions of the “lower animals” (so called) and contrasted them with the traits and dispositions of man.
I find the result humiliating…
— Mark Twain, very well said, and I totally agree !
My dog Trixi , best travel companion!
"I don't hate people. I just feel better when they're not around."
Continue with:
Only those who risk going too far will discover how far they can go!
Expeditions by kayak, motorboat, catamaran, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, bicycle in the USA, Alaska & Canada, Scandinavia…